This Feminist Internet Life: FTX Stories of Collaboration, Creativity and Care



Women's Rights Programme (Association for Progressive Communications)






In this podcast, we invite you on a journey to explore stories by the voices of over 15 feminist tech activists from the global south! You will start by listening how since the dial-up internet era the paths towards imagining and creating a feminist internet started, leading to building more inclusive, safe and queer feminist movements in the digital age. While having at the core of the process fun and care for people, the earth and our feminist activism.

Here you can listen to some great stories of long-time feminist tech activists and savvy newbies, specially from the APC’s WRP and it’s expanded network. During our season together, we will get inspired by their memories and experiences, all connected by a common thread: making a feminist internet!

We will learn more about the Feminist Tech eXchange, a digital care curriculum that has been developed for years, connecting feminist tech trainers from around the world to exchange knowledge, strategies and care practices. These conversations explore their methodologies, experiences and the wisdom of alternative ways of being online.

In this project, I was in charge of:

Illustrations: podcast banners in different sizes and formats.

Check it out

Sound design & music composition: post-production of voices, music composition, sound design and general music production. The musical fragments are my own original compositions and the soundscapes are based on my field recording archive.

Coming soon