Learning Management Systems (lms)


Comité de Latinoamérica y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (LAC), Federação de órgãos para assistência social e educacional (Brazil), Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir (Mexico)



Learning Managament Systems, also known as online courses platforms enable people from all sorts of backgrounds and experience to learn together, overcoming not just geographical barriers but also accesibility impediments. The pandemic was a particularly expansive period for these types of platforms.


Nós Capixabas

Nós Capixabas is a regional Brazilian network in Espirito Santo that convenes artists, educators, community and spiritual leaders, activists, farmers and people of all sorts of background to exchange experiences, create learning opportunities, build projects together, raise awareness and organize collective action.

More information

Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir

pros & cons

wordpress vs moodle


Ideal for simple courses that don't need peer exchange or complex mentorship accompaniment; better option for selling courses

  • Attractive course templates
  • Simple easy to use course navigation
  • More familiar interaction and administration
  • Payment gateways and membership plans for commercial courses
  • You might have to pay for additional plugins to acheive certain features
  • Supported by most infrastructure/hosting providers so easier to migrate to another server if needed as opposed to Moodle

Ideal for learning communities that need peer exchange, mentorship/tutor followup, more diverse learning activities, etc

  • Lots of learning activities
  • Peer revision
  • More simple to integrate with forums
  • Many more features for tracking progress and other types of mentorship
  • All features are 100% free
  • Generally, hosting is more expensive and less providers available
  • More cost-efficient to maintain

what do you need?


thirdparty plugin integration with Wordpress


thirdparty plugin integration with Wordpress


FLOSS LMS platform


get the most out of your platform!


tailored security protocols and measures, regular updates, backups, etc.


platforms need to be looked after in different ways like keeping everything up-to-date, monitoring, fixing mishaps, etc.

design implementation & responsive design

need to customize a theme, create a new one, implement your visual identity or make your site responsive?


slow sights are less accessible, rank lower in search results and have a higher environmental and sociopolitical impact (yes, more and bigger files use more energy!)

optimize your site files with media content best practises, theme and plugin minification, uncluttering and more

content systematization

do you want a site or platform but don't even know where to start? is your content scattered in folders on your drive or online? let's roll up our sleaves, revise, organise and select those stories

web accessibility

the internet should be for everyone! let's try to make your site more accesible for all bodies and people out there


are your courses in several languages? learnpress and moodle support multilingual content!

capacity building

i teach you how to use and administer your platform!

something else?

send me a message and tell me what you're looking for

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